The South Plains Fairgrounds Should Allow Citizens to Carry Guns

The South Plains Fair has packed up, and for many it will be a while before they return to the fairgrounds. That's why now's a good time to look back and see what should be done in the future to make things better.
On Monday, KFYO News reported that a man was arrested after he brought a gun to the South Plains Fair over the weekend. According to reports, he had the gun in his backpack and somehow it fell out and he attempted to runaway. Having an unsecured gun isn't responsible, nor is allowing the gun to fall to the ground because said firearm isn't secured.
This wasn't the only issue involving a gun at the South Plains Fair this year. According to KFYO, a juvenile was also caught with a gun and became hostile when approached by officers.
Luckily, nothing bad happened in either case. No one was injured or shot, but the two cases bring back an issue that I think should be revisited. Why aren't citizens with a License to Carry allowed to carry at the South Plains Fair? Currently, citizens can't conceal carry, open carry or constitutionally carry weapons at the South Plains Fairgrounds. Law-abiding citizens have taken notice of the signs, and either leave their guns in their vehicle or leave them at home.
But it's obvious that people are carrying.
Now, I know what some on the left are thinking: "Why would anyone need a gun at a fair? The fair is supposed to fun and a good family time and gun-free!" Welcome back to the real world. Lubbock's crime rate isn't looking so hot and people who want to cause trouble or hurt others are everywhere. And that's why we should be allowed to protect ourselves.
Did you know that those with a License to Carry in Texas can carry a firearm at the State Fair of Texas? It's true! And for those who believe violence will just break out because responsible gun owners are allowed to carry, when was the last time you heard about LTC carriers getting into a shootout anywhere, including the State Fair of Texas?
If Texans can carry at one of the largest fairs in the nation, surely we should be allowed to carry at the South Plains Fair.
We believe in the right to protect ourselves here, and the South Plains Fair doesn't allow that to happen. Anyone can get a gun into the South Plains Fair, and if those who are up to no good can do so, responsible, law-abiding citizens should be able to as well.
It's time for Lubbock County and the South Plains Fairgrounds to at least allow concealed carry. I hope to see it at the fair in 2022.
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