You Can Now Buy a 180-Pack of PBR, But Not in Lubbock…Yet
Imagine this: You're thirsty on a Friday night, just looking to get a 30-pack of cold beer to take the pain away from a long week...when you turn the corner and see a 180-pack of PBR glowing under the florescent lights.
Well, good news, you don't have to imagine this in your dreams, because it's already here! Pabst Blue Ribbon is celebrating its 180th anniversary this year, and what better way to do it than to cram 180 beers into one hard-to-carry package.
Yes, you heard that right, not one, but SIX 30-racks in one giant package for your convenience. That is, if you can lift it.
A 30-pack of Busch Light is 28 pounds, so apparently the 180-pack is going to be around 168 pounds? That is roughly the same weight as an average American adult female. Better lift with your legs.
And as crazy as this sounds, this is not the biggest case of beer that PBR has offered. In 2021, they were selling a 1,776-pack. Which assumingly, you needed a forklift to move? But that wasn't big enough, so in 2022, they sold 1,844-packs in honor of the year they were founded.
But the 180-pack is MUCH more reasonable, and it's on sale for $94.99 at select retailers, which is a pretty good price point.
I called a couple of my buddies in the beer business and neither of them said they knew anyone in Lubbock who is carrying them at the moment, so you'll probably have to request it from your favorite beer store and they can special order it for you.
You can also use their handy PBR Finder if you're willing to travel!
Here's a pic to see how ridiculous they are.
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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins