20 Crazy Things Hispanic Parents Tell Their Kids That Aren’t True (Maybe)
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Most households have traditional meatloaf dinners, summer camping trips, and funny stories about the family. My experiences were different. My pet pig missing and we had bacon for breakfast the next day (coincidence?), summer trips to Mexico, and paranormal family stories so terrifying that my soul reached out to my ancestors for comfort.
Some of those stories start off with a warning or superstition given by a parent or elder that helps ease everyone into the story. Here are a few of those familial superstitions that I heard growing up. I took these superstitious sayings to heart because I didn't want to become the next family story scaring the living daylights out of the next generation.
20 Crazy Things Hispanic Parents Tell Their Kids That Aren't True (Maybe)
Growing up in a Hispanic household, there are many sayings and superstitions that revolve around our culture. This is a list of wild things Hispanic parents tell their kids that may or may not be true.
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Viewers love to make fun of these errors in movies. But it’s not hard to come up with in-story explanations for every one of these infamous mistakes.