Check Out Footage of a Single-Engine Plane Crash…Shot from Inside the Cockpit
If you've ever wondered what it's like to survive a plane crash, there's some crazy new footage on YouTube. It's from a single-engine plane crash in Idaho, and two people were filming from INSIDE THE COCKPIT when it happened.
They crashed a few minutes after takeoff, and it shows them crash into a bunch of trees. According to the YouTube post, they were having trouble gaining altitude, then hit an air pocket.
Everyone survived, but the pilot got pretty messed up. They kept filming afterward, so be warned. The part where he's lying on the ground is kind of graphic. His face and arms are covered in blood.
They crash at 2:55, it shows the messed-up pilot at 5:24, the wreckage at 5:50, and the slow-motion replay at 6:00. Then it shows the other camera's footage at 7:36.
WARNING: This video includes graphic content and quite a bit of blood.