I've inherited some wonderful things from the women in my family — creativity and good cheekbones, just to name a couple!

Unfortunately, I also have excess fat on the back of my arms like all the women in my family. It's bad enough that I sometimes avoid wearing sleeveless shirts, so I started researching CoolSculpting. It's a painless treatment that freezes fat cells, killing them so your body can eliminate them naturally over time. There's no downtime at all.

I scheduled a consultation with Dr. Roberta Beals at Lubbock Healthy Skin Clinic, and I could tell within a few minutes that she knows and cares about healthy skin first and foremost. I know she wouldn’t recommend anything that could damage skin — CoolSculpting won't interfere with my tattoos at all!

I learned about specific areas they would target to eliminate not only my "bat wings" but also those little bulges by the armpits. It will take multiple treatments spaced one month apart. About 30 percent of the fat will be frozen each time, so I'll get to see progress week after week. CoolSculpting works well for both men and women and can be used on love handles, double chins and other problem areas.

I'm really excited to start this process. Not only will it be fun to see a major improvement in something I'm self-conscience about, I think it will inspire me to make more lifestyle changes that will help me achieve the body I really want!

Are you ready to start your transformation? Lubbock Healthy Skin Clinic is having a "bat wing special" in April and a Cool Mini Buy 2 Get 1 Free (or Buy One Get One Half off) special in May. But getting started on CoolSculpting in any area is as easy as calling or texting 806-790-5964 or visiting lubbockhealthyskinclinic.com.

They're even having a day-long Cool Event on Thursday. Text 806-790-5964 to RSVP and get a free consultation:


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