Busting Common Dairy Myths for National Dairy Month [Sponsored]
School's out, we are heading into summer and June is National Dairy Month! Is this a great country or what? I spoke with Brenda Duby with the United Supermarket families about the importance of dairy in our diet and to bust some current myths.
Brenda let us know that in addition to calcium, we need milk so we can also get potassium, which lowers inflammation and blood pressure.
A recent study showed that eating a calcium rich diet and eating three servings of yogurt per day can reduce your weight, body fat and trunk fat, compared to those who just reduced calories and consumed little to no dairy.
Adding just a cup of Greek yogurt or a serving of string cheese at lunch each day will help you with this goal, Duby explained.
Milk can also help right after a workout, whether it's regular milk or chocolate milk. Research is showing that the protein in milk may enhance the repair of muscles so that you can recover faster.
And we can't overlook the fact that the most delicious of all dairy is contained in ice cream and frozen yogurt. It is summer after all. Just consume these in moderation and enjoy!
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