Don’t Miss Out On Market Street’s Wine and Cheese Event This Weekend
Market Street hosts a lot of great events throughout the year, and this weekend is one you really won't want to miss. On Saturday and Sunday, Market Street locations in Lubbock will have a Wine and Cheese event.
The tastings happen Saturday 4 to 7 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 4 p.m.
Brenda Duby with United Supermarkets joined me today to discuss the health benefits of wine and cheese and to encourage people to come out and do some tastings.
Wine, particularly red wine, in moderation has great benefits for your heart. Duby recommended sticking to one glass of wine a night for women, and two glasses for men. Cheese is packed with calcium and is good for your health in moderation as well.
Duby also talked about this weekend's Mayors Marathon that United Supermarkets is involved with.
Check out the video for all the details and more about good health.
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