Evie Mae’s Barbecue in Wolfforth Is Texas Monthly’s 9th Best Barbecue in Texas
The magazine Texas Monthly has an annual list of the best BBQ joints in the state of Texas. Which, of course, we all feel is the best state for BBQ in America. And not only has Evie Mae's been ranked in the top 50, they're no. 9!
First of all, if you haven't been to Evie Mae's in Wolfforth, then you have to go ASAP! I went shortly after they opened the doors at their new location. They had to move there from a food truck they were running because the lines were too long and the demand was too high. It still is. In fact, just like Franklin's down in Austin, if you're not in line and ready to order yours when they open at 11 a.m., you probably won't get any. I've been lucky both times in that they still had brisket available and it is absolutely something to behold!
In fact, everything I've been fortunate enough to try from Evie Mae's has been outstanding, even the sides. Plus, since they don't have a beer license, you can grab a free one from the giant tub while you wait in line. It's a bonus for you while you drool at the smell of what you are about to receive.
Congrats to Evie Mae's on their top 10 finish! Check out their Facebook page or website to see when you can try to get some. Or just be smart and order up enough to last a week by calling in advance: (806) 782-2281
And by the way, it's pronounced eh-vee may's, not ee-vee may's. It's a short e. Its good to know for us locals. That way we can tell who's really from here and not a BBQ tourist.
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