Got enough lame jokes?

The Internet cannot get enough of this man, who makes the same lame joke, over and over again, while on vacation with his fiancée.

All he does is point something out and ask if they've "got enough." That's it. "Got enough bins, mate?" "Got enough, sunglasses, mate?" "Got enough grapes?" Lather, rinse, repeat. He's like a clinic in what not to say when trying to impress a woman.

The best part is his fiancée grows more and more annoyed at his antics and while we don't know if he's going to make a good husband we can say with a high degree of certainty that he's going to make a good dad because, as we all know, terrible jokes that make everyone else roll their eyes are the domain of fathers the world over.

The video first popped up on Reddit, where it exploded, proving that people can't, ahem, get enough of it.

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