Lubbock Scored in the Top 25 Percent of Cities With Good Drivers. How Did This Happen?
It's a long running joke that Lubbock has the worst drivers anywhere. Well, it's not so much a joke as it is a fact. But according to a recent study, we're actually one of the cities with good drivers. How?
Allstate, the insurance giant, released the results of a study they did of the top 200 American cities and where they rank as far as good and bad drivers.
They used a lot of their own metrics regarding accidents and claims and stuff to come up with this list, so its based on actual bad driving. And out of the 200 cities they studied Lubbock came in at no. 49. That's the top 25 percent of American cities. And even though we dropped from 45 last year to 49 this year, we're still a lot better than I would have guessed. And four Texas cities are in the top 10, too.
Here are the top 10 cities on Allstate's list of safest driving cities: