Lubbock’s Alamo Drafthouse Unleashes the Motherload of Christmas Screenings This December
Do you like Christmas movies? Like, any of them at all?
Chances are high that your favorite Christmas movie is playing during December at Lubbock's Alamo Drafthouse. Expect movie parties, cereal parties and more formats with many of these films as well.
From It's a Wonderful Life to Silent Night, Deadly Night, Alamo has Christmas covered. Tickets for the following movies are on sale now:
Elf Movie Parties (many screenings)
Elf Cereal Party (If you see gum on the street, leave it there. It's not free candy.)
Silent Night, Deadly Night
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Movie Party
Scrooged Movie Party (I never liked a girl enough to give her 12 sharp knives.)
The Polar Express Movie Party
A Christmas Story Movie Party (2 screenings)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Movie Party (3 screenings)
The Grinch (2018) Movie Party
Black Christmas
Gremlins Movie Party
The Holiday (2006) Brunch Screening
It's a Wonderful Life
Love, Actually Movie Party
Dial Code Santa Claus
...and then Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out on December 20th, so Merry Christmas to us all!
To get dates, times and to purchase tickets, head over to Alamo Drafthouse's Calendar.
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