Once More, Lubbock Lives Up To It’s Reputation As “Hell On Earth”
Someone said on Twitter yesterday, "This is what makes people in Lubbock the strongest."
No, this is what gives the people of Lubbock COPD.

Yesterday sucked. You can't put it in any other terms. When even our dear friend Ron Roberts says that it was unprecedented, you KNOW it was bad.
Since the 80's! Back when Mullets were still in style! (Oh wait...they still are here).
I came back from a vacation last week to find dirt piled up from last weeks winds, and quickly set to work cleaning it up. I felt accomplished, and my house felt shiny. I was happy.
And then, this bulls#!t happened.
Screw that.
Mother Nature proved that she hates Lubbock, and all who live here, by blowing several billion pounds of New Mexico topsoil at us. And, if you live in a new subdivision with lots of new construction dirt piled up around you, yeah...good times.
Of course, Lubbock die-hards who don't know any better were spouting off saying that this is "Yankee Repellant", and that it's what makes people in Lubbock tough. No, if you think that dusty, windy mess on Sunday is part of what makes Lubbock great, then you need serious help. The dust and crap is part of why people (rightfully) mock us, and choose to live in other, greener parts of Tejas if they move here.
Yes, it takes a certain type of person to want to live in a area that is as dirty and cruddy as Lubbock gets when the wind blows. Those people, are called "morons".
Time to call the realtor.
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