Six Random Facts About Scary Movies
The website Buzzfeed.com has put together a list of 34 random facts about scary movies. Dedicated horror fans will probably know most of these, but the rest of you might learn something. Here are six highlights...
--The mask in "Halloween" is actually William Shatner's face.
(This is TECHNICALLY right, but there's an asterisk by it . . . because director John Carpenter has said it was a CAPTAIN KIRK mask, and it really didn't look anything like Shatner.)
--"Psycho" was the first movie to show a toilet flushing.
--Robert De Niro and Robin Williams were both considered for Jack Nicholson's role in "The Shining".
--Nicholson was considered for the part of Hannibal in "Silence of the Lambs".
--Tom Cruise was offered the lead in "Edward Scissorhands", but he passed because he wanted a happier ending.
--The movie "Final Destination" was based on a rejected "X-Files" script.
(Check out the complete list here.)
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