Llano Estacado is currently selling spots for people to join their Sommelier Summer School, a three month, six class program where you can learn the ins and outs of wine tasting, making, and pairing from sommelier Matt Bostick.
From mosquitos, ticks, fleas, gnats, and more, there are all sorts of bothersome bugs that like to take over your garden. Many of them are also on the hunt for you or your pet’s blood.
Every year, they bring fresh fruit to various communities via a refrigerated semi-truck. From strawberries to cherries, you can get beautiful fruit for canning, baking, and sharing with your loved ones.
Whether they are into sports, art, or need a little extra help in the classroom, there are so many great camps in and around Lubbock. I got many of these camps from the great resource lubbocksummercamps.com.
The Lone Star State has a great variety of waterparks with different amenities from massive rides, great kid’s areas, and even an entirely indoor park.