This Abandoned Lubbock Convenience Store Might Give You Free Soda
If you've driven through the intersection of 82nd Street and Slide Road recently, you've no doubt passed by this incredibly bougie-looking convenience store that probably should have been burned down by now.
On one side of the building, there is a sign in the window that states that the store, which is devoid of any real signage, is "closed for remodeling."
However, as you look inside, it's apparent that someone has already decided to add their own personal touches. Starting with the entrance.
The glass door on the side facing Slide Road has been very clearly shattered, with a gap large enough for anyone to walk in. As I leaned in with my camera, I was almost surprised that no one was actually in the store at the time. Although anyone could have been sleeping in a back office, or behind the counter and I wouldn't have noticed.
One thing that I did notice was that the coffee maker was still apparently intact, as were the glass cooler cases (which may or may not have contained actual food, but I wasn't about to check). Outside, there was still a fairly full cage of propane tanks, which may or may not be full.
Even though the power was off, it almost appeared as if you could walk right in and pour yourself a soda, as the machine was also still there, seemingly unmolested, along with an ATM machine which could be an easy target for criminals.
As I said, I wasn't about to go exploring in there, not knowing what else could be lurking, nor did I want to possibly wind up with a criminal trespassing charge.
The biggest concern is that if the shattered door isn't taken care of and cleaned up or renovation/demolition scheduled soon, the building could become even more of a blight on the neighborhood than it already is. The fear is that it could quickly become a haven for junkies, addicts, or homeless, and create an even bigger issue.
The City of Lubbock needs to step up and do something about this, or just burn it right to the ground and start over.